It is often said that metal roofs are noisy or loud but that doesnt have to be the case.
A well installed Metal roof will be no less noisy than a traditional tile or slate roof.
It is all in the preparation and correct installation

Which type of insulation you are using and where it is installed makes a huge difference.
There are a lot of different Insulation materials and also a few places where you can put them .
On top of the rafters, in between the rafters, underneath the rafters or on the attic floor …
You can use Celotex,Kingspan (or PIR insualtion)
Styrofoam like boards (or EPS and XPS insualtion)
Rockwool Earthwool and Glasswool
Often builders and architects, when planning a project, look only at 1 aspect of the Insualtion – its heat conductivity or simpler said , how well does it insulate against cold,
The other part an insulation can be used for are its sound absorbing qualities.
Nowadays , many builders and architects tend to use a PIR insualtion on the outer walls of the house, because it is an easy to use and very effective heat insulator.
However- it is NOT the greatest sound insualtion
This is the reason why internal walls and floor still are mostly insualted with Glasswool or Earthwool.
A very cheap, yet effective sound (and heat) Insulation.
When using a metal roof, it might be a good idea to go with an insulation that is both, great at blocking sound and great at retaining heat inside.
In our experience one of the best insualtions for this purpose is Blown-In Cellulos or Woodfibre.
It is cheap, effective and tiks both boxes.

Beaten like a drum
Vibration in the Panels or incorrect fixed flashings can be the reason why the metal roofs get noisy. Screwing them down to a sturdy, well prepared, sub roof with fixings spaced correctly and a Metal Carpet (Metal roof membrane) underneath,is avoiding these issues.
We all know how it sounds standing in a garage or shed with a metal roof on while rain is pouring down.
It is almost impossible to hear ones own word.
This is not only down to missing insualtion between the roof sheets and the areas underneath but most of the time also due to the fact that classic corrugated or box profile roofs on commercial and utility buildings are often installed on purlins with a wide span leaving gaps of up to 1.2m between fixings.
This makes the metal roof behave almost like a drum, swinging/vibrating freely with every drop that hits them.
In domestic application not only is the roof insualted on the inside but also the close-spaced battens or boarded out surface eliminates a lot of the vibrating of the panels.
Metal roofing can be sound-transmission reduced even more by installing the metal roof over a sound insualting metal carpets. These specialist membranes will dampen the sound of any vibration of the metal roof.
Another important part in the noise reduction is the widths of the chosen Panels.
All too often the installers trying to find a cheap and cheerfull option without taking into the account all the ins and outs of what is required for each individual situation. A wider Panel might look good and is most of the time a cheaper solution (both in material costs as well as fixing times) but will be more sensitive to movement from Rain and WInd. (specially important in exposed situations). So planning what is right for your situation early is a good idea to avoid later adjustments.
A not perfectly fitted flashing (like a loose ridge tile) can also lead to vibrating noises and flapping in the wind or rain, giving away more noise than the roof sheets itself.
The good news is, that this one is an easy fix and often a few extra fixings will take care of the problem.
It is important in deciding what remedy may work best. For example, check during rainfall to accurately determine the loudest sound source – you might find that more noise is transmitted to the building interior through skylights than through the roof surface itself.Planning thorougly will eliminate these issues and is time well spend.
You can find more detailed infos regarding this topic and research quotes in a very interesting article on the Inspectapedia , the source for
Building & Environmental Construction, Diagnosis and Maintenance issues.Some more Science